Book — Bill C. Potts Author: Up for the Fight

Up For The Fight is recommended reading by The Leukemia Lymphoma Society!  Click here to get your copy


Up For The Fight:

The essential guide to navigating your cancer journey—from a five-time survivor

Available in paperback, ebook and audiobook

160 pages
Published by Page Two Books, Inc.
Publication Date: September 13, 2022


 About the book

Every year, 18 million people worldwide are diagnosed with cancer. If you, or your loved one, is one of them, you know exactly how overwhelming, scary, and confusing it is to navigate the journey through diagnosis, treatment, prognoses, and all their accompanying emotions.

In this valuable patient and caregiver guide, Bill C Potts - entrepreneur, business leader, IRONMAN athlete, and five-time cancer survivor - tells you everything you need to know to take on this fight.  With empathy and honesty, he explains exactly what to expect, and shares lessons and important tips you can put into action along the way: from diagnosis, to treatment, to remission, to cure - and how to face setbacks on your road to recovery.

You’ll learn how to advocate for yourself, how to pick and manage your care team, and how to care for yourself emotionally and mentally.  You’ll find out how to make your treatment days more comfortable, manage side effects, and understand test results.  You’ll also find important information on diet, exercise, wellness, and staying active, as well as insights on how treatment and disease affects your immune system.

With special sections for people wanting to support a loved one with cancer, facing and making peace with death, and recalibrating your priorities to get the most out of the life you have now, you’ll gain the knowledge and tools you need to manage this journey - from someone who is walking this path alongside you.


From the author

Bill wrote this book to share what he has learned in his journey –from the patient perspective.

The goal is simple. Help others in their journey.


Praise for Up for the Fight


Order Up For the Fight Today

The cancer diagnosis can bring up a wide range of emotions. One thing is for sure, knowledge on the subject is empowering and the more you understand, the stronger and more hopeful you’ll feel.

Buy a copy for yourself or to give to a family member or a friend who is in the Cancer Club.